Friday, April 25, 2008

Journey Through Exodus

I'm reading through Exodus right now. Here are a few thoughts:

1) Moses is the man! Really, this dude is the greatest leader besides Jesus.
2) Sometimes people can ignore an obvious act of God
3) Sometimes leaders try to manipulate God in prayer (See Pharoah's story)
4) Ex. 4:31 - When Israelites became aware that God was concerned about them, they worshiped Him.
5) The Seven Plagues - God's desire was to continuously show His power - He still does today!
6) The one thing that prevented people from worshipping God was slavery - How relevant to today! We are slaves to money, status, sex, security, and a host of other things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got a new 10 Commandments DVD that I believe you will enjoy while you are on your "Journey Through Exodus". This is one of my favorite journeys also. Will bring it next time I see you which has not been often lately with the exception from a distance.