Monday, May 19, 2008

"One Prayer" Series

Beginning June 8th hundreds of churches from all across the U.S. and 17 countries will be participating in a 4-week series together entitled, "One Prayer." The series is based on Jesus' prayer in John 17,..."that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." Our church is excited about participating in the series. I will be preaching June 8th a message entitled, "Make Us Compassionate." This is an awesome idea, as I can't imagine how much it pleases God to have believers coming together from different denominations and geographic locations to stand united. God just may do something to blow us away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the Tremendous Preaching that Brother Mitchell has been doing at Northridge CC, but I do hope we will NOT have seen the last of the "One Prayer" series. I thought the Holy Ghost was in the sactuary during these times. I praise GOD for what HE is doing at Northridge CC and pray that each one that attends makes it a Mission to bring at least ONE person with them until the last of the year anyway.