Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reflections on James

1:4 - One of God's ways of building maturity in us is to lead us through tough times.
1:6-8 - If you ask for it, ask in confidence.
Traits of a double-minded man:
1. He uses the right words but has no conviction
2. He acts on impulse
3. He is easily influenced by deceitful people
1:14-15 - How sin takes its course. First a desire. Then a temptation. Then a sinful act. Then, when not dealt with, death. Take hold of a thought before it kills you (2 Corinthians 10:5).
1:19 - We would much rather be quick to speak, slow to listen. God is often heard in complete silence.
1:27 - What would happen if we used most of our time, resources, etc. to reach out to them?
2:14: Works are a result of faith
3:3-12 - The NT consistently leads us to look at our hearts and our words. Matthew 12:34.
3:17 - Wisdom is pure. True wisdom is never sought after for personal gain. Wisdom from God finds expression in the service of others.
4:1-3 - We often look for external reasons for conflict (something that was said or done). They begin inside of us in a war between good/evil.
4:5-6 - We are inclined to be envious but grace always wins.
4:17 - Knowing what to do and choosing not to do it is self-deception. We begin to believe we are right even after making a wrong decision.
5:13 - If you are in trouble, don't look for reasons why. Pray instead. If things are going well, give God the credit. Seek God in the good and bad.
5:15 - There is an attitude we are to bring to prayer - God will hear us and respond.
5:16 - Confession is for our benefit.

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