Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Review of "The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley

Do you ever find yourself on a course far from your intended destination? Do you ever struggle with figuring out why your best intentions don't always end up the way you thought they would? This book by Andy Stanley seeks to answer those questions. Stanley's big premise is this: direction, not intention, determines our destination. "The direction you are currently traveling-relationally, finacially, spiritually, and the list goes on and on-will determine where you end up in each of those respective arenas." Stanley directs us to consider how the choices we make affect the outcomes we experience. Many people have right intentions, but their life doesn't align with those intentions. Stanley uses practical examples like single adults who want to find a good Christian mate, but then dates whoever asks them out. Or a man who desires to grow old and invest in his grandchildren, but then neglects his health. How do you avoid needless complications and dangerous paths? For Stanley, Proverbs 27:12 has a lot of wisdom. "The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it." Taking refuge might mean doing something that requires sacrifice now, but "will feel like an investment later on." One of the core reasons people continually make decisions that they later regret, Stanley says, is that they are not on what he calls the "truth quest." Instead, their pursuit is a "happiness quest." A second core idea in the book is that attention determines direction. "As your attention goes, so goes your life." Stanley encourages us to pay attention to the things that are competing for our heart and time. I really enjoy Andy Stanley's practical approach to the significant issues in life. This book has a lot of insight for people who desire to change their course and make better decisions. It's also great for people that struggle to follow through on their intentions. Overall, a very encouraging read.

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