Monday, November 7, 2011

Dwell Deep

I want to invite you to Dwell Deep, an online event created for the purpose of believers together engaging the scriptures. This event will be held this Thursday, November 17th, 9:00pm at Why am I doing this? Here are some reasons:

-to encourage/be encouraged by believers seeking the heart of God together
-to leverage technology for the glory of God
-to create an environment where we can wrestle with questions beyond a Sunday service
-to invite believers from around the country to commit to praying for each other

I have friends in other states that I would love to see join us as well. The format will be as follows:

15-20 minutes of Biblical teaching
20 minutes of discussion/Q&A
10 minutes of corporate prayer

I hope you will consider joining us. If you have questions, please email me at If you register before Thursday, I'd love to correspond with you. I'm looking forward to growing with you. If you'd like to join me for Dwell Deep, simply click the "register" button below.


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