Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reflections on Matthew 10-13

10:6-7 - We have a clear mission from Jesus!
Side note on verse 11: I remember hearing Rick Warren talk about influencing culture: Step 1: find a person of influence. Step 2: bless them. Simple.
Verses 16-34: "You will be beaten, arrested, betrayed by men. If you stay faithful to me, you will find life."
11:2 - John wanted to be sure of who Jesus was if he was going to risk his life. We know who Jesus is, but are we willing to give up our life?
11:27 - The closeness of God the Father and God the Son. Jesus gives us the same thing!
11:28-30 - All the weight of religous demands, sin, persecution were taken up by Jesus on the cross. Do I feel the weight lifted off me?
12:9 - Do I sometimes let rules get in the way of a work of God?
12:15 - Am I willing to leave controversy in order tpo submit to the larger purposes of God?
12:19 - Some of Jesus' followers wanted a violent revolt against the Romans. That was not the way he would reign as King.
12:23 - The purpose of miracles are to point to Jesus as the Messiah.
12:29 - Jesus beats the crap out of Satan!!!
12:40 - If you think Jonah and the whale was just a good story and not true, then Jesus is a liar (btw Jesus is not a liar:)
13:16-23 - The reality is that not everyone will receive the gospel in the same way. So we must understand and deal with people differently.
13:31-52 - mustard seed, yeast, treasure, pearls, fishing net. The Kingdom is so valuable. Its worth more than we can imagine. There will not be uncertainty about who belongs to the kingdom and who does not.

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