Thursday, September 17, 2009

Reflections on Matthew 14-19

Thoughts on Matthew 14-19:
  • 14:13,23 - Jesus took time to withdraw. He was constantly being approached by large crowds. He knew the importance of getting alone with God.
  • 14:29 - Can we hear the simple invitation to "come"? It is an invitation to come out of our fear, insecurity, and doubt and into comfort, strength, and hope.
  • 14:33 - We can trust that Jesus is who He says He is.
  • 14:35-36 - A snapshot of Jesus' ministry - the word spread, people sought Him, Jesus healed them.
  • 15:8-9 - What every Christ-follower fights against: self-serving religion.
  • 15:10 - Hear. Listen. See. There is a connection between the activity of our physical body and the reality of our spiritual life. Not hearing, listening, or seeing the truth about Jesus leads to death. What keeps us alive and in the light is hearing, seeing, listening to Jesus. Look for Him. Hear Him. Listen to Him. It's better.
  • 15:14 - I love this story:)
  • 15:23 - What do we do when Jesus is silent? When the prayer goes unanswered?
  • 16:7 - I can identify with the disciples. I get irritable when I'm hungry:)
  • 16:9 - How quickly we can forget what God has done for us.
  • 16:15 - A very personal question that every one of us will answer at some point.
  • 16:18 - The purpose and strength of the church! Jesus is the center. If he is not, then it's not a church. It's HIS church!
  • 17:4-5 - Moses and Elijah were the two greatest figures, along with Abraham, for the Jewish people. Matthew is leading his readers to understand Jesus as the greater Moses, greater Elijah, and greater Abraham.
  • 17:20 - God can do the impossible! Do we believe it? Or do we settle for less than God can do through us?
  • 18:3 - Kingdom of Heaven is not about status but submission
  • 18:12 - Reverse math. 1 is better than 99.
  • 18:15 - We should love to be confronted, but we don't.
  • 18:21-34 - Remember where you were when Jesus saved you. Don't forget how much his grace is undeserved and your salvation unmerited. 1 Corinthians 1:26-27.
  • 19:21 - What is the one thing you have refused to give up for Jesus?
  • 19:30 - Following Jesus is counter-cultural. We can be certain that if culture says its important (wealth, status, appearance) then Jesus asks us to give it up. the question is, Are we willing to give up now to receive later?
What are your thoughts?

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